Thursday, May 14, 2009

Short Story

So, the fams was in the kitchen. Adrienne was trying to feed Riley some soup. I was cutting some fruit to eat. All of a sudden Riley decides she don't want no more soup. Instead of saying no, or I'm done, she decides to smack the soup bowl out of mama's hands, and it spills all over Adrienne's pants. RKJ is quite proud of herself. Mama gives Riley a firm "NO" but Riley still gots that big smile on her face. So I turn to her, bust out the old Ed-Rec/KCDC voice and start to scold Riley. Saying things like "RILEY! WHY DID YOU DO THAY?" and "THAT WAS BAD! NO! and other stuff. Now, I know she don't really understand the words I'm saying, but I think she knows when she does something naughty. So, as I'm loudly saying these things, her little eyes begin to water and I see her lips start to quiver. I'm thinking, I knew she understood! So I continue to the scolding, waiting for the tears to come out of her eyes. Then she does the weirdest thing ever...she bites her lower lip, and it looks like she is trying not to cry. Like literally holding in her tears like she don't wanna be sorry for what she did. I look at Adrienne and say, are you seeing what I'm seeing? She says, yeah, and thoughts of Riley when she is a teenager doing the same thing to me begin to race through my mind. And the only think I'm thinking is...I'm screwed. Now there are 2 ladies in the family who don't shed tears no matter what. Like mama like daughter. *sigh* I think I'm gonna go watch "bring it on" now and cry my heart out...

jk adrienne...happy mothers day!

1 comment:

cindy c. said...

haha..."stoned face" riri! she might look like u but she def got her emotions from mama! I'm proud to say that I've made Adrienne cry once....i felt so accomplished!