Friday, March 7, 2008

Part 1

Today, I'm at work cause Donald took the day off, so I thought I'd do a quick post here. I know I don't post as often as I want to, but it always seems that by the time a get a little bit of free time, I end up sleeping. I guess that's fatherhood for ya. But I'm gonna try to update a little more regularly. So here goes Part 1 (at work, no pics) and hopefully Part 2 will be up tonight (with pics)

Since, I've been noticing a lot of lists from my fellow bloggers, here are my top 5 pet peeves that have to do with Riley.

1. I've been taking Riley for a walk almost every morning around 9am. I walk her down the hill past the Cliffhouse and to the beach. It never fails, that Riley will wait till we are all the way down at the bottom of the hill, when she wakes up and starts crying. Then I have the humilation of strolling a crazy crying baby all the way back up the hill as fast as I can, past dozens of horrified people, who probably think...tisk tisk...what did he do to that poor child.

2. I swear Riley is a prankster. When I'm changing her diaper, just as I'm about done, and I have the new one on, she cranks out another fat one. Thanks girl....I'm so proud.

3. So it takes about 10-15 minutes of holding Riley, before she will go to sleep. And I swear, no joke, just when I think she is asleep and put her down, and I open up the laptop, and I click Yahoo sports, with my finger still on the button, she will cry and need to be picked up. What a punk...

4. She makes this really ugly face sometimes when I kiss her cheeks. I have this effect on women.

5. I can only think of 4.

With all that being said, I'd also like to add that I could not have possibly been more blessed with a more beautiful wonderful little girl. I heart you Riley Kendall Jang. But seriously, stop pooping after I change your diapers...they're expensive man!

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