Cousins version 1976
and then...drum roll please...dadadada
Cousins version 2008
1976 and 2008 combined
To add to this generations theme Adrienne took Riley to visit....are you ready for this?....her Great Great Grandmother. Ya heard me right, that's double great. Here's the proof...check it....
GGGMama in the heezy....she's over a 100 peeps! Wa wa woo wa!
Okay...we'll keep this short, so we'll end with a vee-jeo and some random pics...
One small step for giant leap for RKJ (gotta wait till the end)
Thank you, thank you...hope you liked my crawl!
Looky looky what I was so lucky to get...
That's right my very own autographed Norm and Cindy card...
That's right my very own autographed Norm and Cindy card...
Riley you can have it when you're older....if you're lucky
This is how high she can lift her head now...
Whuddya looking at? RKJ out!
boo yah!!! that crawl was killer good! heck i thought those thunder thighs were all baby fat but there's some muscle in there! i like how she yelps and wimpers right b4 the big crawl!!! LOL
how's meh-hee-co?
warm & sunny?
eees fun and muy caliente. coming home manana.
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